Crew List

This crew list is for sailors looking to crew and for skippers looking for permanent or fill-in crew. It is not an email list. If you would like to find out more about fleet communications, click here.

If you are crew looking for a ride, we encourage you to fill out the crew form in full, listing in particular weight, preferred position, and experience, all of which is important information for skippers looking for regular crew or a fill-in.

Name Group Last Updated
Simon Payne crews 4/18/14
Andrew crews 3/18/14
Laurie crews 3/12/14
Junaid Javed crews 2/14/14
Joao Botto crews 1/20/14
Julie Fineman crews 1/2/14
Lee Glenn crews 1/2/14
Pete Trachy crews 12/3/13
Tim Sullivan crews 10/28/13
Jim Forster crews 10/17/13
Glenn Youngling crews 10/17/13
JC Devilla crews 10/17/13
Silvano Payne crews 10/17/13
cc Nelson crews 9/22/13
Andrew Redfern crews 9/20/13
Thomas crews 9/18/13
Chelsea Simms crews 9/4/13
NIls Swart crews 8/14/13
Kristine Stratton crews 8/4/13
Sven Junkergard crews 7/30/13
Adam Viguers crews 7/25/13
Tim Kollar crews 7/23/13
Joel Hartsough crews 7/16/13
Gregory crews 7/8/13
Rob Hibbitts crews 7/3/13
Linda crews 5/29/13
Chris crews 5/23/13
Wayne Zittel crews 5/17/13
Dustin Winn crews 5/17/13
Ivy Binns crews 5/14/13
Kara Wilcox crews 5/8/13
Megan Runyon crews 5/1/13
Andreas Eieland crews 4/18/13
Elijah Colby crews 4/14/13
Sonya crews 4/9/13
Bill Higgins crews 3/27/13
Aryn Strand crews 3/24/13
Tom Schmitz crews 3/12/13
Brian Cogley crews 3/5/13
Scott Sellers crews 2/22/13

Page 5 of 7, showing 40 out of 271 total