Date: November 11, 2004 
Home of Tom Struttmann

Members Present: Stuart Taylor, Tom Struttmann, Peter Lane, Paul Farr, Pat Benedict, Leslie Richter, Randy Paul, Tom Kenneley

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Stuart Taylor at 8:30 p.m.

I. Highlights from National Class meeting by Randy Paul

  • Proposed J105 National Class Rule Changes are posted on the national class forum www.J105.org. Fleet One Members are encouraged to review and join in the discussion.
  • The National Excom will vote up or down on the proposed rule changes in January 2005.  Of interest Submission # 10 ...

    Effective September 1, 2005, Rule 6.5.1 is amended to read in full as follows: 

    "6.5.1 The roller jib shall be constructed of either 1) woven ply, or 2) laminated ply of PET film and PET or PEN (polyethylene naphthalate - such as Pentex) or Aramid (such as Kevlar). The use of Spectra, Vectran, Carbon Fiber, PBO or Cuben Fiber in the construction is not permitted." This is a proposal to allow for changes in materials used for the Class Jib
  • Other National Class business
    • The class decided not to go for an International Certification at this time
    • North American Championships 2005 – Toronto, 2006 - Marina Del Ray

II. Fleet One Special Task Force

  • Fleet One Excom appointed a special task force of Jaren Leet, Pat Benedict and Tom Struttmann to review National Class Rules and Fleet One Rules and make a recommendation. Fleet One Excom will review the proposal and submit a final recommendation to the Fleet One Membership for a vote in February 2005.

III. Fleet One Business

  • Rules Seminar March 15th. 2005 Peter Lane is leading this project and will provide additional details shortly. Please hold this date.
  • Mid Season Performance Clinic – To be revisited in the January 20th Excom meeting..
  • New boats or boats without measurement certificates – Paul Farr is leading this project
    • Boats will be required to have a measurement certificate prior to competing in the first championship event.
    • A special measurement day will be held on March 5th at a location to be determined.
    • Sail California has the float line templates
  • Measurement – Pat Benedict is leading this project
    • All Fleet One Boats will be required to have a measurement certificate with the Fleet One Measurer Pat Benedict by the start of the 2005 Championship Season and will maintain a copy on board.
    • Measurement certificates will be posted on the Website shortly
    • Fleet One will also require owner signature that the Boat complies with Class Measurements at designated events.
    • All boats will be measured during the season through spot checks during championship events though the focus will be on the top 10 finishers.
    • The Excom will determine the penalty for boats in compliance.
    • Results of the spot Measurement audits will be posted on the class website the intent is education so boats can learn about infractions and make adjustments ahead of a spot measurement
  • Weigh in Regattas
    • Spring One Design - Paul and Leslie
    • PCC - Peter and Tom K.
    • Albert Simpson - Stuart and Tom S.
    • BBS – Randy and Stuart
  • Associate Membership and Crew development Initiative – This project is lead by Stuart Taylor with support from Sean McGinn. Additional details will be provided in January
  • Mentor Program – This is intended to provide support for new owners including coaching from some of the top boats. Leslie and Tom K are leading this program.
  • Social Annual awards dinner is being planned by Stuart Taylor. The program will be somewhat more formal than the previous two season awards events.
  • Spectator program – Jaren Leet will provide his boat to take spectators out who are not racing. Tom Struttmann is leading this project. The first event is targeted for the spring one design.
  • Logo wear - Peter Lane is leading this effort and will provide an update at the January meeting.
  • Boat Show – We will be looking for volunteers to take prospective J105 buyers out during the boat show. Stuart Taylor is leading this and will provide an update at the January 20th meeting.

The meeting Adjourned at 10:30 PM Tom Struttmann – Fleet One Secretary

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