1. Minutes / Fleet Articles
: Posted on website amendments were adopted Cindy will
update Articles 2. Treasury Report:
$7,000 in checking account. 45 Boats registered. Randy and Tom to
contact 15 remaining to confirm. Stewart to register a total of 51 ASAP Fleet
dues payable 1/1/04. 3. Confirm appointment of assistant positions 3.1. Social Chair –
and Tom will recruit 3.2. YRA coordinator – Eden to confirm Don Weineke 3.3. Mid Season BBQ Coordinator – Eden and Tom to recruit 4. 2004 Schedule / Action Items 4.1. Confirm Regular Season –
Eden to check with Denis George on Aldo dates 4.2. Weigh in Regattas –
SOD,PCC Albert Simpson, BBS, Cindy to update 4.3. YRA –
TYC race May 22, Change SYC date, confirm Knox, Coordinate with Latitude 38 4.4. Fleet performance Seminar – March 20-21 see details below 4.5. Mid Season BBQ TYC May 22 –
Eden and Tom to recruit coordinator 4.6. Svendesn dock Party May 15 –
Randy to coordinate 4.7. Tinsely Island Rally –
Recruit Brian Mullen Chair – Tom to recruit and liaison 4.8. Tide Talk –
and Eden to coordinate … Tim Russell speaker? 5. Rules/ Performance Seminar – Bruce Stone 5.1. March 19th –
Rules Seminar StFYC – inform club of potential extra people 5.2. March 20,22 –
to be determined on the water video discussed Bruce to finalize and recruit
volunteers to assist. 6. Other Items 6.1. Annual Fleet Meeting –
Tom to propose dates and finalize through quick poll 6.2. Annual Awards presentation –
Bruce and Randy to determine venue and theme 6.3. T Shirt Sales –
Excom believe we need to market Fleet through t-shirts, logo wear, etc but do
not want to get involved in orders, inventory etc. Bruce Stone mentioned a
vendor we could use if we have logo files need to coordinate fleet discount.
Bruce to contact and provide information on Vendor to Cindy to publish on
website. 6.4. Website Budget - $650 approved projects to include 1) consolidated e-mail list
currently 3 and moving off podell 2) moving all fleet records on line (digital
vault) 3) Video clips – promote fleet video, technical changes e.g. new
traveler arrangement other technical changes 4)_ Forum is underutilized need to
promote 5) home page re-design 6) Content refreshed 90 days 7) make self
service through publishing tools etc. 6.5. Season video –
excom approved $500 to create a season video. Eden Kim to coordinate. 6.6. New Boat Welcome –
Eden and Bruce to recruit volunteers and coordinate development and
implementation of process. Clarify local national rules, float line, check out
boats etc. 6.7. Fleet Skills Mentoring program –
topics discussed to improve overall fleet performance
and capability no conclusions need to address through e-mail and future excom
meetings. 6.8. Leadership-
needs to involve and recruit members to serve on future excom including past
excom Pat Benedict, Gary Kneeland and others. Also need to mentor support for
website to provide continuity and share the load 6.9. Fleet RC volunteers –
Need to support RC efforts 6.10. Excom member
participation – Randy to engage Rob
Cooper and Chris Perkins Race / Chair
is key. Submitted Tom Struttmann Fleet One Secretary
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